Sunday, September 16, 2012

Continue even today violent confrontations and demonstrations in much of the Arab world and elsewhere, especially against Us embassies, for American film deemed blasphemous and offensive to the Prophet Mohammed.
In Tunisia at least three people died and 28 were injured in the attack by demonstrators at the u.s. Embassy in Tunis, as reported by State television. A Reuters reporter saw police open fire to try to quell the rebellion. In the clashes was also torched the American school in Tunis, now closed.
In Sudan, at least one person died during a demonstration outside the US Embassy while the police launched tear gas to disperse about 5,000 protesters who have surrounded the German Embassy and the nearby British Mission in Khartoum.
In Lebanon, a protester was killed and two others wounded in clashes with security forces in the city of Tripoli, stemming from the protests against the film and against the visit of Pope Benedict XVI in the country. A security source said that the man was killed when the protesters tried to make breaking into a government building. Also wounded 12 members of the security forces.
In Egypt there were throwing stones at the police who, in Cairo, has blocked access to the US Embassy, already targeted in recent days. Here agents in riot gear threw tear gas and responded to throwing stones.
Also in Yemen-where yesterday at least one person died and 15 others were injured in a demonstration in Sanaa-security forces have blocked the roads around the US Embassy in the capital, and to strengthen the security the Pentagon sent the marines.
In Nigeria, where Islamic fundamentalist group Boko Haram killed this year hundreds of people in a riot, the police fired in Jos to disperse Muslims took to the streets to protest the film about Muhammad. The Government has preallertato the police and enhanced security for foreign missions.
Today's protests also spread to Malaysia-Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq--followed last Tuesday's attack against the U.s. Consulate in Benghazi, which resulted in the death of the American Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans.
For the murders, Libyan authorities yesterday said they had arrested four people, while the Usa has sent two destroyers in the Libyan coasts and a team of specialist marine, in addition to monitoring missions with drones (unmanned aircraft), departing from the base of Sigonella, Sicily.

Mixed reactions in the Pdl to forfait Silvio Berlusconi this evening at the party youth party in Rome, which was expected to reveal his intentions on a possible re-election to the premiership of Italy.
The former Prime Minister, who would have to participate in a debate with young people from the evocative title "a Knight's tale", has instead preferred to land in Milan after returning from a holiday in Kenya resort guest entrepreneur Flavio Briatore.
Giorgia Meloni, organizer of Atreju, has a reaction to the defection of the Knight piccata because attaches to political tactics not shareable. More pragmatic former Colonel of An, Ignazio La Russa, according to which the tatticismo is legitimate when there is no clear position on the political future of the Pdl.
"I am sorry that Mr Berlusconi has chosen not to participate, for the first time, the traditional confrontation with youths of Atreju which annually leads the political season. That debate without filters, passionate, serious but also fun was in an extraordinary occasion for many boys and a bathroom of the future '' for the President. Deny them this possibility ' for tactical reasons, and my personal view, a pity, "writes the former Minister to the youth of the Berlusconi Government.
He then criticizes her fellow party trying to "close the President in a reliquary" away from the direct relationship with the people, activities in which "excels" and thus giving room for "small formations trying to put together Cirino Pomicino with Montezemolo and De Mita with Passera".
Meloni also puts into question the leadership of Berlusconi calling the primaries: "we want a Pdl that face the primaries and face the square. At any cost ".
La Russa said that Berlusconi had already suggested days ago an absence to Atreju and admits that there are no definite decisions about his candidacy. "I think a party leader has the duty and the obligation to announce choices when others decide that those choices should be announced".
"Berlusconi could come to Atrejiu and say ' these questions do not answer ' or ... not to come because at the moment does not intend to pre-empt decisions which deserve further reflection and his party," the former defence Minister of the Center

The British Royal family has decided to sue for invasion of privacy the French magazine Closer, Mondadori Publishing Group's controlled by Silvio Berlusconi, who has posted pictures of topless wife of Prince William, Kate Middleton.
The Duchess of Cambridge was picked up during a holiday on the French Riviera while removing the above piece of a bikini and images spread by Closer made a moment around the world.
"The Royal family confirms that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge started today in France a legal action for violation of privacy against the Publisher of Closer Magazine France," announced a press release.
The Court of Nanterre, near Paris, said the Royal couple's lawyer has already presented the first documents to begin the proceedings and that the Publisher will be heard Monday.
Chairman of Mondadori is Berlusconi's daughter Marina.
Legal sources explain that the role of the defense is going to be difficult, but that the proceeds from the sales of the newspaper will be significantly higher than the eventual compensation that can be estimated in the order of several thousand euros.

The film "Silver linings playbook" by US Director David O. Russell has won the prize of the film festival of Toronto. The Director of films such as "Fighter" and "I Heart Huckabees" had reported at the beginning of the Festival that he cast the actor for his film by audition through the Internet telephone service Skype had.
The tragicomedy "Silver Linings Playbook" tells the story of a former teacher who returns to his family after several months in a psychiatric hospital and tried to get his life back. In addition to Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence stars also Robert de Niro and Julia Stiles see.
Other than in Venice or Cannes the Canadian Film Festival is not a competition. Toronto awarded only an audience award and an award by the international press. The film of the German Director Margarethe von Trotta "Hannah Arendt" on the German Jewish philosopher with Barbara Sukowa in the went away empty-handed. The winning films from Toronto considered contenders for Oscars next spring.

Due to bad weather, the US space agency has moved NASA release the patterned from U.S. space shuttle "Endeavour" in the Museum on Tuesday. Originally, a modified Boeing 747 with space shuttle should depart today from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
According to the current plans "Endeavour" will arrive after several stops on Thursday at Los Angeles International Airport. From October 30, the shuttle should be then permanently to see in the California Space Center.
The "endeavour" was the youngest star of the space shuttle fleet of United States, in April 1991 it rolled out of the Assembly unit in the Californian Inglewood. Since the maiden flight in May 1992, the shuttle was a total of 299 days in space and covered more than 185 million miles in his 25 missions. End of may the space shuttle had their last mission to the international space station completed.

The billionaire US Investor Warren Buffett has completed the treatment for his prostate cancer. "Today I had my 44th and last day of radiation", the 82-Jährige executives from newspapers belonging to him said as the paper "The Omaha World-Herald" reported on its website on Friday.
He will feel the side effects a few weeks - but he was "so happy" to be able to say that it was "over". "Today is a great day for me," Buffett added. The disease was diagnosed in April at an early stage.
Buffett is the Chief and the investment company Berkshire Hathaway, which is part of the Omaha World-Herald company. He comes from the city of Omaha in Nebraska, United States.
The U.S. magazine "Forbes" leads Buffett with assets of $44 billion (EUR 33.7 billion) as the third richest man in the world. Berkshire Hathaway holds among other important contributions in the beverage giant Coca Cola, the computer Group IBM and the Wells Fargo financial services. The investment firm owns dozens completely - by insurers to a railway company.

Today, the UN Human Rights Council debated a new version of his report to Syria. The report refers to the period between mid-February and July. a debate followed by the hearing of the Syrian representative. Vote will be at a later date. It is expected that the report calls for the transfer of suspected Syrian war criminals to the international war crimes Tribunal in the Hague.
However, approval of UN Security Council deeply divided on the question of Syria would require to do so. In the middle of August published report, a UN Commission had accused both parties to war crimes.